284. Descriptive.--The silver halogens, AgCI, AgBr, AgI, are very
sensitive to certain light rays. Red rays do not affect them;
hence ruby glass is used in the "dark room."
Photography involves two processes. The negative of the picture
is first taken upon a prepared glass plate, and the positive is
then printed on prepared paper. The negative shows the lights and
shades reversed, while the positive gives objects their true
Few photographers now make their own plates, these being prepared
at large manufactories. The glass is there covered on one side
with a white emulsion of gelatine and AgBr, making what are
called gelatine-bromide plates. This is done in a room dimly
lighted with ruby light. The plates are dried, packed in sealed
boxes, and thus sent to photographers. The artist opens them in
his dark room, similarly lighted, inserts the plates in holders,
film side out, covers with a slide, adjusts to the camera,
previously focused, and makes the exposure to light. The time of
exposure varies with the kind of plate, the lens, and the light,
from several seconds, minutes, or hours, to 1/250 part of a
second in some instantaneous work. In the dark room the plates
are removed and can be at once developed, or kept for any time
away from the light. No change appears in the plate until
development, though the light has done its work.
To develop the plate, it is put into a solution of pyrogallic
acid, the developer, and carbonate of sodium, the motive power in
the process. Other developers are often used. The chemical action
here is somewhat obscure, but those parts of the plates which
were affected by the light are made visible, a part of the AgzBr
being reduced to Ag by the affinity which sodium pyrogallate has
for Br. Ag2Br = 2 Ag + Br. Br is dissolved and Ag is deposited.
When the rather indistinct image begins to fade out, the plate is
dipped for a minute into a solution of alum to harden the
gelatine and prevent it from peeling off (frilling). It is
finally soaked in a solution of sodium thiosulphate (hyposulphite
or hypo), Na2S208. This removes the AgBr that the light has
failed to reduce. The processis called fixing, as the plate may
thereafter be exposed to the light with impunity. It must be left
in this bath till all the white part, best seen on the back of
the plate, disappears. 2AgBr + 3Na2S2O3 = Ag2Na4(S2O3) + 2 NaBr.
Both products are dissolved. It is then thoroughly washed. Any
dark objects become light in the negative, and vice versa. Why?
For the positive, the best linen paper is covered on one side
with albumen, soaked in NaCl solution, dried, and the same side
laid on a solution of AgNO3. What reaction takes place? What is
deposited on the paper, and what is dissolved? This sensitized
paper, when dry, is placed over a negative, film to film, and
exposed in a printing frame to direct sunlight till much darker
than desired in the finished picture. What is dark in the
negative will be light in the positive. Why? The reducing action
of sunlight is similar to that in the negative. Explain it.
After printing, the picture is toned and fixed. Toning consists
in giving it a rich color by replacing part of the Ag2Cl with
gold from a neutral solution of AuCl3. 3 Ag2Cl+ AUCl3 = 6AgCI +
Au. Fixing removes the unaffected AgCl, as in the negative, the
same substance being used. Describe the action. 2 AgCI + 3
Na2S203 = Ag2Na4(S203) + 2 NaCl. Both the positive and the
negative must be well washed after each process, particularly
after the last. The picture is then ready for mounting. In fine
portrait work both the negative and the positive are retouched.
This consists in removing blemishes with colored pencils or India
The negative--No. 1. Dissolve: sulphite soda crystals, 2 oz. (57
g) in 8 oz. (236 cc.) water (distilled); citric acid, 60 grains
(4 g) in 1/2 oz. (15 cc.) water; bromide ammonium, 25 grains (1
1/2 g) in 1/2 oz. water; pyrogallic acid, 1 oz. (28 g) in 3 oz.
(90 cc.) water. After dissolving, mix in the order named, and
filter. No. 2. Dissolve: sulphite soda, 2 oz. (57 g) in 4 oz.
(118 cc.) water; carbonate potash, 4 oz. (113 g) in 8 oz. (236
cc.) water. Dissolve separately, mix, and filter. To develop
plates, mix 1 dram (3 2/3 cc.) of No. 1 and 1 dram of No. 2 with
2 oz. (60 cc.) water. Cover the plate with the mixture, and leave
as long as the picture increases in distinctness. Remove, wash,
and put it into a saturated solution of alum for a minute or two,
then wash and put it into a half-saturated solution of hypo.
Leave till no white AgCl is seen through the back of the plate.
Wash it well.
The positive.--1. Dissolve 30 grains (2 g.) pure gold chloride in
15 oz. (450 cc.) water. This forms a stock solution. 2. Make a
saturated solution of borax. 3. Prepare a toning bath by adding
1/2 oz. (15 cc.) of the gold chloride solution and 1 oz. (30 cc.)
of the borax solution to 7 oz. (210 cc.) water. After printing
the picture, wash it in 3 or 4 waters, put it into the toning
bath, and leave it till considerably darker than desired; wash,
and put it for 15 minutes into a hypo solution that has been,
after saturation, diluted with 3 or 4 volumes of water. Then wash
284. Descriptive.--The silver halogens, AgCI, AgBr, AgI, are very
sensitive to certain light rays. Red rays do not affect them;
hence ruby glass is used in the "dark room."
Photography involves two processes. The negative of the picture
is first taken upon a prepared glass plate, and the positive is
then printed on prepared paper. The negative shows the lights and
shades reversed, while the positive gives objects their true
Few photographers now make their own plates, these being prepared
at large manufactories. The glass is there covered on one side
with a white emulsion of gelatine and AgBr, making what are
called gelatine-bromide plates. This is done in a room dimly
lighted with ruby light. The plates are dried, packed in sealed
boxes, and thus sent to photographers. The artist opens them in
his dark room, similarly lighted, inserts the plates in holders,
film side out, covers with a slide, adjusts to the camera,
previously focused, and makes the exposure to light. The time of
exposure varies with the kind of plate, the lens, and the light,
from several seconds, minutes, or hours, to 1/250 part of a
second in some instantaneous work. In the dark room the plates
are removed and can be at once developed, or kept for any time
away from the light. No change appears in the plate until
development, though the light has done its work.
To develop the plate, it is put into a solution of pyrogallic
acid, the developer, and carbonate of sodium, the motive power in
the process. Other developers are often used. The chemical action
here is somewhat obscure, but those parts of the plates which
were affected by the light are made visible, a part of the AgzBr
being reduced to Ag by the affinity which sodium pyrogallate has
for Br. Ag2Br = 2 Ag + Br. Br is dissolved and Ag is deposited.
When the rather indistinct image begins to fade out, the plate is
dipped for a minute into a solution of alum to harden the
gelatine and prevent it from peeling off (frilling). It is
finally soaked in a solution of sodium thiosulphate (hyposulphite
or hypo), Na2S208. This removes the AgBr that the light has
failed to reduce. The processis called fixing, as the plate may
thereafter be exposed to the light with impunity. It must be left
in this bath till all the white part, best seen on the back of
the plate, disappears. 2AgBr + 3Na2S2O3 = Ag2Na4(S2O3) + 2 NaBr.
Both products are dissolved. It is then thoroughly washed. Any
dark objects become light in the negative, and vice versa. Why?
For the positive, the best linen paper is covered on one side
with albumen, soaked in NaCl solution, dried, and the same side
laid on a solution of AgNO3. What reaction takes place? What is
deposited on the paper, and what is dissolved? This sensitized
paper, when dry, is placed over a negative, film to film, and
exposed in a printing frame to direct sunlight till much darker
than desired in the finished picture. What is dark in the
negative will be light in the positive. Why? The reducing action
of sunlight is similar to that in the negative. Explain it.
After printing, the picture is toned and fixed. Toning consists
in giving it a rich color by replacing part of the Ag2Cl with
gold from a neutral solution of AuCl3. 3 Ag2Cl+ AUCl3 = 6AgCI +
Au. Fixing removes the unaffected AgCl, as in the negative, the
same substance being used. Describe the action. 2 AgCI + 3
Na2S203 = Ag2Na4(S203) + 2 NaCl. Both the positive and the
negative must be well washed after each process, particularly
after the last. The picture is then ready for mounting. In fine
portrait work both the negative and the positive are retouched.
This consists in removing blemishes with colored pencils or India
The negative--No. 1. Dissolve: sulphite soda crystals, 2 oz. (57
g) in 8 oz. (236 cc.) water (distilled); citric acid, 60 grains
(4 g) in 1/2 oz. (15 cc.) water; bromide ammonium, 25 grains (1
1/2 g) in 1/2 oz. water; pyrogallic acid, 1 oz. (28 g) in 3 oz.
(90 cc.) water. After dissolving, mix in the order named, and
filter. No. 2. Dissolve: sulphite soda, 2 oz. (57 g) in 4 oz.
(118 cc.) water; carbonate potash, 4 oz. (113 g) in 8 oz. (236
cc.) water. Dissolve separately, mix, and filter. To develop
plates, mix 1 dram (3 2/3 cc.) of No. 1 and 1 dram of No. 2 with
2 oz. (60 cc.) water. Cover the plate with the mixture, and leave
as long as the picture increases in distinctness. Remove, wash,
and put it into a saturated solution of alum for a minute or two,
then wash and put it into a half-saturated solution of hypo.
Leave till no white AgCl is seen through the back of the plate.
Wash it well.
The positive.--1. Dissolve 30 grains (2 g.) pure gold chloride in
15 oz. (450 cc.) water. This forms a stock solution. 2. Make a
saturated solution of borax. 3. Prepare a toning bath by adding
1/2 oz. (15 cc.) of the gold chloride solution and 1 oz. (30 cc.)
of the borax solution to 7 oz. (210 cc.) water. After printing
the picture, wash it in 3 or 4 waters, put it into the toning
bath, and leave it till considerably darker than desired; wash,
and put it for 15 minutes into a hypo solution that has been,
after saturation, diluted with 3 or 4 volumes of water. Then wash
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